
Microservice framework following best cloud practices with a focus on productivity.

Project maintained by beatlabs Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Patron microservices can interact with other microservices, APIs and applications using a number of clients.

All clients contain integrated tracing powered by opentracing-go; any new clients should attempt to do the same.

Third-party dependencies v1.1.0

HTTP Client

Patron provides an HTTP client which integrates tracing into all outgoing requests by wrapping the default net/http client. Users can configure the client’s Timeout, RoundTripper and/or set up a circuit breaker. In order to propagate the traces, the HTTP request context needs to be set.


The AMQP client allows users to connect to a RabbitMQ instance and publish messages. The published messages have integrated tracing headers by default. Users can configure every aspect of the connection.

Third-party dependencies v0.0.0-20180315184602-8e4aba63da9f


The gRPC client initiates a client connection to a given target while injecting a UnaryInterceptor to integrate tracing capabilities. By default, this is a non-blocking connection and users can pass in any number of grpc.DialOption arguments to configure its behavior.

Third-party dependencies v1.27.1


The Kafka client allows users to create a synchronous or asynchronous Kafka producer and publish Kafka messages with tracing headers. The builder pattern allows users to configure every aspect of the connection.

Third-party dependencies v1.30.0

Each instance of a producer or consumer requires the specification of Sarama configuration; you can use v2.DefaultConsumerSaramaConfig and v2.DefaultProducerSaramaConfig for sane defaults.


The Redis client allows users to connect to a Redis instance and execute commands. The connection can be configured using redis.Options.

Third-party dependencies v7.0.0-beta.5


The SQL client enhances the standard library SQL by integrating tracing capabilities. It has support for prepared statements, queries, as well as low-level handling of transactions.


The SNS and SQS clients provide wrappers useful for publishing messages to AWS SNS and SQS, with integrating tracing.

Third-party dependencies v1.21.8


The Elasticsearch client allows users to connect to an elasticsearch instance. Its behavior can be configured by providing an elasticsearch.Config struct

Third-party dependencies v8.0.0-20190731061900-ea052088db25