
Microservice framework following best cloud practices with a focus on productivity.

Project maintained by beatlabs Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham



The SQS component is an easy way to introduce AWS SQS in our service in order to process messages out of a queue.
The component needs only to be provided with a process function type ProcessorFunc func(context.Context, Batch)
The component utilizes the official AWS SDK for Go.
The component is able to process messages from the queue in a batch mode (as the SDK also provides).
Messages are either acknowledged as a batch, or we can acknowledge them individually. To get a head start you can go ahead and take a look at the sqs example for a hands-on demonstration of the SQS package in the context of collaborating Patron components.


The message interface contains methods for:


The batch interface contains methods for:


Handling messages sequentially or concurrently is left to the process function supplied by the developer.


The package collects Prometheus metrics regarding the queue usage. These metrics are about the message age, the queue size, the total number of messages, as well as how many of them were delayed or not visible (in flight). The package has also included distributed trace support OOTB.